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Final Fantasy XIV News

Posted by Xenor Vernix on Dec 15, 2011 - 14:12.

FFXIV News - Patch 1.20 Notes

We'd like to inform you that new FFXIV information was made available by Square Enix today. The details are quoted below.

"Patch 1.20 has gone live, bringing with it all the exciting new content and refinements announced thus far and a whole host more besides. Adventurers can now test their mettle against Good King Moggle Mog XII in the latest primal battle, glory in their accomplishments with Achievements, experience the fruits of the class reforms, and the list goes on!

Read up on all the details.

* We regret to inform you that the release of the feature allowing players to purchase items directly from the Item Search interface has been postponed. Selecting an item in the interface will bring up a purchase prompt; however, an error message will appear when you attempt to proceed with the transaction. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

An announcement will be made in the near future regarding the new implementation date.

We felt the latest FFXIV patch notes were too large to post here so visit the above link for the full information.

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