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Final Fantasy XIV News

Posted by Xenor Vernix on May 27, 2015 - 03:02.

FFXIV News - Dev Blog: Le Tour de Heavensward

New FFXIV: ARR info is available on the dev blog from today. Read below for all the news, taken from the dev blog.


Greetings, everyone!
Bayohne here, back in the saddle!

If you caught the latest Letter from the Producer LIVE, then you may have seen our recap video of the European media tour! If you didn't see it, or just want to watch it over, and over, and over again, we've embedded it below!

Is it just me or was the camera person really fixated on the various animals around the castle? (I suspect Project Manager M did most of the filming...)

There was another rare sight on the tour as well: Yoshida looks like he got some rest!

The European tour is over and the team has already returned to finish up the remaining Heavensward tasks (like...releasing it)!

- Bayohne


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