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City States

Within the region of Eorzea lies four city states called Ul'dah, Limsa Lominsa, Gridania and Ishgard. These are key areas within the game in the same way the three starter cities and Jeuno were in Final Fantasy XI. Only Ul'dah, Limsa Lominsa and Gridania will be available as starter cities and very little is known about the cities apart from Limsa Lominsa.


Ul Dah

Ul'dah is a desert city which is rich in mineral wealth.

Limsa Lominsa

Limsa Lominsa

Limsa Lominsa is a sea town said to be built from armada scraps. The city features a port and its main source of income is shipping. The Knights of the Barracuda guard the shipping routes from pirates and bandits. Some screenshots of Limsa Lominsa can be found below. These are from the beta version of the game and were released by Famitsu in July 2010.

FFXIV - Limsa Lominsa FFXIV - Limsa Lominsa FFXIV - Limsa Lominsa
FFXIV - Limsa Lominsa FFXIV - Limsa Lominsa FFXIV - Limsa Lominsa
FFXIV - Limsa Lominsa FFXIV - Limsa Lominsa FFXIV - Limsa Lominsa
FFXIV - Limsa Lominsa FFXIV - Limsa Lominsa FFXIV - Limsa Lominsa
FFXIV - Limsa Lominsa FFXIV - Limsa Lominsa FFXIV - Limsa Lominsa



Gridania is a city built within a dense forest.


The following comments are from our legacy commenting system.

Aug 11, 2010 - 16:26:08 | Location: Durham, United Kingdom

Good point... this page hasn't been updated since those three were announced. It's in need of a proper update, but for now I'll be mentioning Ishgard and adding more screenshots of Limsa Lominsa.
Aug 07, 2010 - 23:13:31 | Location: Nowhere, In a Box

you forgot one :-P there are 4 city states, those are just the 3 starting ones.