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Final Fantasy XIV News

Posted by Xenor Vernix on Aug 04, 2010 - 09:17.

Another Twitter update from Square Enix! This time the tweet concerns the end of phase 2 of the beta and the beginning of phase 3. Phase 2 of the beta only started on July 28th, with servers running 24/7 and it is due to come to an end tomorrow.

Phase 3 of the beta is due to begin in the middle of August, with no beta running between now and then. We think this may be because Square Enix want to implement changes based on tester feedback before testing commences again.

@FF_XIV_EN "Phase 2 of the FINAL FANTASY XIV Beta Test ends on August 5th GMT. Stay tuned for Phase 3, commencing mid-August!"

You may remember yesterday we reported that new beta invites may become available from Final Fantasy XIV fan sites in the near future. This is almost certain to be in time for phase 3. Last week a few German websites were taking applications for beta keys and we think the same will happen for English websites.

One thing to be aware of is that GamesCom takes place around the middle of August. This is Europe's equivalent of E3, the event where Final Fantasy XIV was playable for the first time in its alpha state last year. The event is held in Germany between August 18th and August 22nd and we can definitely expect a lot of new information to appear around this time. Most likely phase 3 of the beta will be timed to co-inside with the event.

Source: Official Twitter

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