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Final Fantasy XIV News

Posted by Xenor Vernix on May 18, 2014 - 05:55.

FFXIV News - Introducing Goodgame Empire - Play It Here!

Become the lord of a castle and turn your small fortress into the capital of the entire kingdom in this exciting online strategy game. Goodgame Empire is a free to play online MMO by Goodgame Studios, which is set in medieval times. Your aim is to build an empire through establishing your castle and growing your army, before using it to crush your enemies and ultimately become the best in the land.

Some of the features of Goodgame Empire include:

An army comprising different melee and ranged fighters.
Combat against other players and an alliance system.
A dynamic world map.
Strategic battles using various units and siege tools.
The ability to upgrade your castle with numerous buildings.
An economic system with different resources.
Outposts for securing more supplies.
An entertaining campaign with missions and attractive rewards.

We tried this game and thought it was quite interesting and as it was voted MMO of the year in 2013 for Best Strategy Browser MMO game we thought we'd share.

Play it Here

Check out the trailer below:

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