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Final Fantasy XIV News

Posted by Xenor Vernix on Aug 02, 2011 - 23:04.

Another scheduled improvement coming in patch 1.18a is outlined below.

"[dev1123] Improvements to the Action Bar and Unit Frames
* The following changes are planned for release in 1.18a.
Both are still in development, and therefore subject to change.

Action bar graphics will be enhanced to improve overall visibility. In addition, player and party unit frames will also be adjusted for the same reason."

Source: The Lodestone

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Apr 04, 2012 - 00:59:04 | Location: Nowhere, In a Box

on the news here how that was going into effect. I don't know if YOU know, but if you are in ALABAMA where his dad is rhigtly or wrongly, the Southern States (in my opinion) have a harder time with homosexuality full stop. So this boy telling his dad AND his dad saying all this at the end is just AMAZING.It is also funny that the dad won't tell the mom! Even if they are divorced and the way he chuckles at that!!