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Final Fantasy XIV News

Posted by Xenor Vernix on Aug 07, 2010 - 17:30.

Five German websites are giving away beta keys, with one giving away as many as 6500. All you have to do to be in with a chance of getting your hands on one is to fill in the form on their websites. All they want is a few details and you can apply for all five within a few minutes. You don't have to be a member of the websites. You will need a European Square Enix account for your key to be used. The websites are linked below. - 6500 keys. - 5000 keys. - 1000 keys. - Unknown. - Unknown.

Gamona is different and instead of filling in a form you must send an e-mail to with the subject "FF XIV Gewinnspiel" and your name in the body.

Buffed, Gamona and PCGames are claiming it will be first come, first served so I would advise you to do this as soon as possible.

Since the sites are in German, some of the translations below may be useful.

Vorname - First name
Nachname - Surname
Ihr Name - Your name (full)
Alter - Age
Ihre E-Mail - Your e-mail address
Jetzt teilnehmen - Join (To submit your application)
Absenden - Send (To submit your application)
Ihre Nachricht - Your message (Just type in a comment)

With these and the North American give aways mentioned earlier in the week we think people who take part in all of them have a very good chance of success. We wish you good luck!

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