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Final Fantasy XIV News

Posted by Xenor Vernix on Jul 02, 2014 - 21:31.

FFXIV News - Dev Blog: LFP - Looking for Pajamas

Today, Square Enix posted a new FFXIV: ARR article on the dev blog. Read below for all the information, taken from the Lodestone.


Greetings, everyone!
Bayohne here!

Celebration time! We have just about one more week until the release of patch 2.3!

Since a whole week might be too long to wait, a lot of us at the office decided to sleep to pass the time. Of course, we had to do it in donning the new 'nightwear' outfits!

Here's a shot of the back of the outfits! You can see some subtle differences between the male and female versions.

Hidden underneath those long gowns are adorable culottes and slippers!

Now to just count down the hours until patch 2.3 releases next week!
- Bayohne


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