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Final Fantasy XIV News

Posted by Xenor Vernix on May 27, 2014 - 22:28.

FFXIV News - Dev Blog: Having a Gae Old Time

Today we have another FFXIV: ARR article from the dev blog for you to read. We have quoted the new info below.


Greetings, everyone!
Bayohne here, proud to proclaim that the wait (of a few days) is finally over!

Geek & Sundry's Arcade Arms team have revealed their full feature on the real-life creation of the of the dragoon's relic weapon—the Gae Bolg!

How were they able to forge the weapon? What type of material did they use? How often do I put my foot in my mouth trying to explain how awesome the weapon is? You'll have to watch to find out!

Check out the full video!

- Bayohne


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